Amazon Price Graph

Get ahead of the game and uncover any product price graph and history before you buy and avoid questionable deals

How it works

Install the sugar extention
Go to any product on Amazon
Sugar will automaticly show the price graph
Why do I need a price graph
Prices change everyday, sometimes even several times a day. While others change on a seasonal basis. Sugar helps you to identify the right time to buy the items in your wish list by notifying you whenever there's a price drop.
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Price Went Up 5%
Avoid questionable sellers
Some sellers frequently change the prices of their products to show higher discounts than they actually are. Use the price history to find out whether the seller is using this practice.
Safer Shopping With Sugar
Price History
Successful projects
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Avoid artificial discounts
Some sellers raise the price artificially just to show a higher discount rate. Use Sugar’s price history and trend on any product and identify whether a discount is real or fake.